Here they are... some of the unsung heros from the background who carried the weight of Autodelta literally on their backs...the men and women who every day ... served Ing. Chiti so well over the decades of the Autodelta Golden Years.
This group of Autodelta technicians was among the very first men to join Ing. Carlo Chiti in his brand new Settimo Milanese facility following the company's move from their first Auto Delta workshop at Tavagnacco di Feletto, Umberto of 1964.
This archival photo was taken around the years 1964-1969 and represents many of the founding staff who would continue with Autodelta until their retirement or the closure of Autodelta in or around 1984. I personally came to know many of these men during my live-in visit of 1972 and years subsequest to that working along the World Manufacturer's Championship circuit.
The names of these herarded team members are in the process of being identified. Many of these guys you will discover photographed within the site pages of Autodelta Golden
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Eccoli... alcuni degli eroi nascosti che hanno portato letteralmente sulle spalle il peso dell'Autodelta... gli uomini e le donne che ogni giorno... hanno servito l'Ing. Chiti così bene nei decenni degli Anni d'Oro dell'Autodelta.
Questo gruppo di tecnici Autodelta fu tra i primissimi ad affiancarsi all'Ing. Carlo Chiti nel suo nuovissimo stabilimento di Settimo Milanese in seguito al trasloco dell'azienda dalla prima officina Auto Delta di Tavagnacco di Feletto, Umberto del 1964.
Questa foto d'archivio è stata scattata intorno agli anni 1964-1969 e rappresenta molti dei membri del personale fondatore che avrebbero continuato con Autodelta fino al loro pensionamento o alla chiusura di Autodelta intorno al 1984. Personalmente ho conosciuto molti di questi uomini durante la mia convivenza visita del 1972 e anni successivi a quella di lavoro lungo il circuito del Campionato Mondiale Costruttori.
I nomi di questi membri della squadra radunati sono in fase di identificazione. Molti di questi ragazzi li scoprirete fotografati all'interno delle pagine del sito Autodelta Golden
Photographer unknown
Rear row: Andrea Pontara, Roberto Fanin, Alfredo Gelmini, Fernando Franch, Marco Chiappellini, unknown person, Umberto Spreggiaro, Arnaldo Tonti, Gianfranco Tosello.
Front row: Gianfranco Milani, Giuseppe Carraro, Pietro Baldo, Nicola Parone, Ivano Porchera, Gino Cristofoletto.
Kneeling: Angelo (Christoforo !) Columbo.
Back Row: Gino Vanzo, Luca ("The Mischievous One!") Manfredi, Zeno Benassi, Sandro Sorzi, and Luciano Avosani.
Rear Row: Alberto Cavallini, Maurizio Siena, Unnamed technician from Electtrauto Marelli), Marco Chiappellini, Roberto Fanin (workshop manager), Gianfranco Tosello, Roberto Bussinello, Toine Hezemans (European GTA Champion), Gian Luigi Picchi (European GTA Jr. Champion), Gianfranco Ravelli, Nicola Paone.
Front Row: Giuseppe Carraro, Vincenzo Blenx, Gino Cristofoletto, Beniamino Taverna, Ivano Porchera ...Carlo Calloni laying down.
Photographer unknown
Mr. Parisi, metalworker
My best friend Ermes Moscardo, painter
Ing. Severi, Mr. Beniamino Taverna and Mr. Benassi.
Antonio Damascchino
Mr. Manfredini and Mr. Taverna
Ing. Severi, Mario Andretti
Nicola Paone
Mr. Bordone, sculptor
Mr. Venanzio Podavite
Renato Melchioretto
Mr. Enrico Maestri, electrician
Roberto Banfi
Mr. Venanzio Podavite, Mr. Scusatt
Ermes Moscardo
Giuliano Luppi
Mrs. Domestica #2, Mrs. Domestica #1
Mr. Del Geloso
Diego Della-Rosa
Lunch time at 7 Via Enrico Fermi.
Sebring 1972
Umberto Spreggiaro, Chief Electrician
Photographer unknown
Photographer unknown
Photographer unknown
At front and center: Mr. Berno, Ing. Arosio, Mario Andretti, Mr. Damaschino, and at far right Mr. Banfi.
Photographer unknown
Messrs. Marcello Gambini chief mechanic, Giovanni Manfredini, and Paolino Fiore, engine specialists that stayed much of their time in the dyno room, Pietro Maggi, Mr. Matati, Gobbi and Vaifro Vignoni all from engine repair and assembly in Hangar 2, Enzo Bulgarini, Luciano Avosani, Giuseppe Carraro, Antonio Damaschino, Arturo Faccioli, Giuliano Luppi, Giovanni Menati, Umberto Spreggiaro, Ermis Peressutti, Ettore Vicario, and also Stroppa, Settimio, Liuni, Lucchi, the Moscardo brothers.(Enzo and Ermes) ,Vanzo, Enrico Maestri, Longhi, Vittorio Berno, Diego Della-Rosa, Mr. Venanzio Podavite, Mr. Scusatt, Renato Melchioretto, Shop Foreman Guiseppi Callegher, tire changer and wheel balancing expert Milani, Fabbri, Leopardi, Paris, Taverna, Tosello, material handler Del Geloso, Roberto Favin (shop foreman), Nicola and BeatricePaone, and last but not least the beloved, loud and animated truck driver Mr. Calloni.
Later came Mr. Ermanno Cuoghi who became chief mechanic at Autodelta for F1 engines and who continued to serve as the personal mechanic for Niki Lauda... both of whom came from Ferrari to the Brabham Alfa project.
Those names referenced above and many more terrific men like them formed the complete team that travelled as vagabonds campaigning Autodelta cars throughout the world together with tons of materials to repair cars, engines, suspensions or simply to perform miracles on the spot.
What made them so devoted and long lasting to Autodelta was unlimited and tireless love for Alfa Romeo and their deep sense of personal pride to be a part of the History and Tradition of the Quadrifoglio.
To conclude this long article "Inside the Walls", Autodelta Senior Historian Vladimir Pajevic found a beautiful Latin citation that Italian journalist Zigliotti used to describe Chiti’s rise and fall (1963-1983):
“Inquissima haec bellorum condicio est; Prospera omnes sibi indicant, aduersa uni imputantur”.
"The unfair aspect of war is the fact that victory is claimed by everyone, and defeat has only one to blame."
Nothing ever depicted better Chiti’s fate.
I hope you have enjoyed this serialized glimpse of this truly remarkable Alfa Romeo leader and his group of highly dedicated men.
This is your Tradition and History to preserve. Pass it along.
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